The Bolton Guild Of Help
Over 100 years of helping people!
Working In Partnership

The Guild has formed working relationships with a number of other organisations covering a wide variety of issues. We will not just ‘refer’ or ‘signpost’ clients but will co-ordinate the introduction of the client to the organisation. We understand that our clients can be at a vulnerable time in their life and will need more support in working with new and different organisation to support them. In some cases we will administer the application to another organisation for further grants and support. Examples of which include; additional grants for funding a particular necessary item, Christmas hamper/present referrals.
Working in Partnership to provide practical support for our clients
Our clients reside in the Bolton area and are usually suffering from a crisis of varying extents and types. They may have only one apparent problem but can often have many. They may be in receipt of benefits or in work – each case is assessed individually and their level of income is not necessarily an indication of the crisis that they are experiencing. We only ask that they provide evidence of income and expenditure as part of their application as well as beng honest and open about their situation and what they feel they need support with. Explain and we will listen!

Debt Drop-in Support
Debt can creep up on people and become all consuming. Getting practical help and support can be time consuming and confusing often resulting in people withdrawing and hiding from their problems. We can direct clients to Christians Against Poverty (CAP), a debt advice charity providing face to face debt advice and support. CAP will work with clients who are eligible to assess their financial situation and advise on a route out of debt. The drop in enables clients to call in each week to receive support until they are debt free. Located near the Centre of Bolton the drop in provides a friendly environment whilst providing privacy and confidentiality. Referals can be provided by contacting the Bolton Guild of Help. A voucher is then sent to the client which includes a drink and snack whilst the CAP debt coach introduces themselves and discusses the clients situation and the service CAP can provide. The CAP Debt Coach can support the client to contact CAP’s freephone number to book an appointment with CAP if appropriate.
Over the last 12 months we have seen many successful outcomes for the clients from the drop-in and/or CAP Debt Advice. These include
- Clients becoming completely debt free
- Clients returning to employment
- Clients mental health has improved
- Clients social anxiety and confidence has improved
- Clients saving for future needs and living within a budget
Examples of this support are –
- Helping clients to understand the importance of living within a budget.
- Understanding of priority and non-priority debts
- Helping clients understand the importance of saving for the future
- Confidence building
- Support making phone calls to benefits, council tax, housing, utilities
- Signposting to other agencies as required
Other support
See our ‘how we can help page’ for information of other support we can provide as well as our Links with other organisations. For more information on any of the partnership projects and other organisations please contact us.

Benefits Support
The benefit system can be quite confusing. The Bridge Church Bolton offers an information service weekly by appointment at The Guild of Help.
They are not benefit advisors, however can support you to:
– Complete a benefit check using one of the suggested calculators on the website.
– Complete applications for benefits.
– Contact benefit departments.
Mental Health Support
Getting support and understanding for any mental health issue can be a daunting task. Waiting lists for support are long and people don’t always have the support of family and friends readily available. There are many charities that offer support for people struggling with mental health but those first steps to connecting with them can be overwhelming. Working with local mental health charities we provide a one to one introduction at our offices where a support worker will listen to the client and tell them about the different services that they provide. They will help the client to see which would be best for them and their individual needs. It could be the first step to a steadier recovery.

Bolton Veterans Aid
Bolton Veterans Aid is set up in partnership with SSAFA to provide grants and support for service men and women and veterans from the British Armed Forces and their families or dependents. The help ranges from house hold items and directing to further support for example debt advice etc. It very much depends on the needs of the individual. Scott house provides a welcoming private space for SSAFA volunteers to work with their clients to identify their needs and underlying issues enabling them to then identify and apply for the support needed for each individual. Initially funded by Tesco’s Bags of Help this project is joins up with Bolton Armed Forces 4 Veterans and BAND to provide further support including mental health wellbeing support.

Other projects in planning;
- Housing support/advice
- Budgeting and money management (including debt free workshops)
- Job club

The Guild is made stronger by working relationships with other charities and community organisations. Partnership Projects are funded by application to external funding which provide one to one support in areas such as benefit and mental health. Clients seeking debt advice will be directed to Christians Against Poverty.

We don't fundraise but greatly appreciate donations to support the work that we do.

We work with several organisations that are always looking for new volunteers. If you want to give back to the local community, please get in touch with us today.
Contact Us
Ask a question
01204 524858
The Bolton Guild Of Help
Scott House,
27 Silverwell Street,
Bolton, BL1 1PP
Opening times
9am until 3pm Monday to Wednesday.