The Bolton Guild Of Help
Over 100 years of helping people!
Legacies and Charities managed by the Guild of Help
Do you want to leave a legacy!!!
Do you have connections with Bolton or the people of Bolton? Would you like to leave a legacy behind that provides help and support to people in need that live in the Bolton area? By bequeathing money to the Bolton Guild of Help, people have enabled the charity to become more sustainable and provide help to so many people over the last one hundred plus years. Please consider leaving a legacy to the Bolton Guild of Help. We will maintain the legacy and administer it to your wishes, ensuring professional financial management from our investment management providers, CCLA.
As with the other legacies and charities that we manage, you can specify how you want your legacy to be spent. Would you like to fund debt and money management support or provide necessity items to people struggling on low incomes? Please speak to us if you would like more information or contact your solicitor for advice.
The types of legacy/gifts you can leave in your will:
A residuary gift is a percentage of your estate once any specified gifts have been made to friends and family. Many people choose to leave this type of gift because its value will be dependent on the value of your estate at any given time rather than a set amount. This provides you with more flexibility when deciding how to ensure that your loved ones are well looked after first and foremost.
A pecuniary gift is a specific amount of money
A specific gift is a gift of a specified item – such as a personal possession, land, buildings or stocks and shares.
Bolton & District Nursing Association Fund
Grant Aim
In relieving in cases of need persons resident in the Borough of Bolton who are sick, convalescent, disabled, handicapped or infirm providing or paying for items, services or facilities which are calculated to alleviate the suffering or assist the recovery of such persons in such cases but are not readily available to them from other sources
Bolton Mother and Child Welfare Association
Grant Aim
For the benefit of poor nursing or expectant mothers or infant children residing in Bolton.
The supply of special food and medicines, medical comforts, extra bedding, fuel & medical & surgical appliances not available from other sources and not on a recurrent basis.
Bolton Operatic Society Trust
Grant Aim
a) The promotion and furtherance of education in and knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the public arts of opera, ballet, mime, drama, music and singing or if any one or more of those arts, or
b) Such other charitable purposes or such charitable Foundations as the Trustees shall in their absolute discretion determine.
Bolton Poor Protection
Grant Aim
Relief of a group or individual person resident in the area to reduce the financial hardship and distress of such person/s. In exceptional cases, people who are resident immediately outside the Bolton area may be considered.
Joyce Ann & Frank Smith Fund
Grant Aim
Welfare of Animals
The general purposes of charities having animal welfare as their objectives
Louisa Alice Kay Fund
Grant Aim
Provide relief of persons in financial distress who reside in Bolton.
Martha Bennett Fund
Grant Aim
For the care and comfort of a person over the age of 50 residing in Bolton & Farnworth, for prevention or relief of poverty.

The Guild is made stronger by working relationships with other charities and community organisations. Partnership Projects are funded by application to external funding which provide one to one support in areas such as benefit and mental health. Clients seeking debt advice will be directed to Christians Against Poverty.

We don't fundraise but greatly appreciate donations to support the work that we do.

We work with several organisations that are always looking for new volunteers. If you want to give back to the local community, please get in touch with us today.
Contact Us
Ask a question
01204 524858
The Bolton Guild Of Help
Scott House,
27 Silverwell Street,
Bolton, BL1 1PP
Opening times
9am until 3pm Monday to Wednesday.